Ensure success with BEYOND online
mentoring platform
The mentoring platform is a very useful tool designed to connect mentors and individuals, start-ups and MSMEs from the cross-border area on the territory of Serbia and Montenegro, but also the entire region. The goal is to support and connect individuals, start-ups and MSMEs who need support, with mentors who have many years of experience, knowledge and, most importantly, the will to provide the necessary support in the development of new ideas.
Our mentors are experienced experts and entrepreneurs who have developed their own ideas into successful companies, but also individuals who have been supporting potential and existing entrepreneurs for years in the development of business ideas and business models.

Basic project information
Business enabling environment for youth employment
Total value
254,554.86 €
European Union through Cross-border Programme Serbia – Montenegro Under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II)
Contracting Authority
Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Finance, Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programmes (CFCU)
Zlatibor Regional Development Agency
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis, Chamber of Economy of Montenegro
Location of the action
Republic of Serbia and Montenegro
16 months (April 21st 2023 – September 20th 2024)
Overall objective
To contribute to enhancement of employability and employment opportunities in cross border region through networking of business support organization and effective joint use of existing business support infrastructure in both countries.
Specific objective
Improved knowledge, skills and competence and work experience of students, unemployed and employed persons in cross border area through introduction of innovative tools and support mechanisms for startup community and labor market.
Estimated results
1 – Cross- border online mentorship platform introduced into start up ecosystem
2 – Increased technical and technological capacities of business support organizations and training providers according to the defined standards
3 – Increased capacities of students and young unemployed persons for application of innovative – technologies in the processing industry based on labor market needs
4 – Innovative entrepreneurial potential in targeted region activated and entrepreneurial culture promoted
Beyond project will contribute to enhancement of employability and employment opportunities in cross border region through networking of business support organization and effective joint use of existing business support infrastructure in both countries. The project aim is to improve knowledge, skills and competence and work experience of students, unemployed and employed persons in cross border area through introduction of innovative tools and support mechanisms for startup community and labor market.
The proposed Action has been designed to provide support to start up eco system through relevant online mentoring platform and institutional support within Regional innovation start up centers. During implementation the project will enhance competences and capacities of VAT technical schools (equipment and curricula development for robotics and mechatronics) in the cross border region with strong industrial tradition.
By using the existing cross border business infrastructure of the project partners, it will be work on the capacity building of unemployed persons from both side of the border in accordance with metal industry needs (CNC programing and processing) and activation of start up and innovation potential among young population from CB region through series of capacity building events (startup weeks, hackathons, meet ups).